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Gadday Mate.

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Hey Everyone,

I have been interested in pyrotechnics for quite a while now. As you may of guessed from my Topic Title,
Yes I am from the land down under, Australia. I am nineteen years old and enjoy pyrotechnics a lot.
My specialty in pyrotechnics would have to be aerial shells. I am not a fan of flash powder + it is difficult to obtain chemicals over here.
I am quite exprienced and enjoy chemistry and I seem to have a variety of information up in my head. So I will do my best to answer all questions. I currently want to make a Visco Fuse Machine due to the fact it is illegal to buy fuse over here without a good reason. I am a member of a few pyrotechnic forums and some names here are familiar. I like the quality of posts around here as I don't see too much of the same question tossed around here a lot. That's about it. Take care guys and I look forward to reading + replying to threads around here.



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I always watch the english section!
But posting is another thing hehe....
Actually I'm afraid to get another warning because i don't want to get banned.
But i will be more active on the english section, however my english is not very good as you can see. :blush:

Edited by mitchy112
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