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Simple sieves

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Here are a few simple sieves I made from wooden sticks and some plastic screens. these screens are being used as mosquito protection or so. One of them is greenish coloured while other is greyish. Mesh size should be between 60 and 100...never cared to count those tiny square holes. Hollow frame still waits for appropriate screen...


Joining ends of wooden frame are coated with wood glue and fastened with self-threading screws. Of course, I used that very handy 90 deg. jig while glue dried.


Plastic screen is stretched over the frame and fastened with those small office clamps. Additional neoprene glue was aplied as to prevent spillage of whatever you sieve through it.


And finally, we came to real use of those nice sieves. One can use them for BP granulation, mixing powders, drying stars etc. Here are some getting dried right there...


After drying is complete, these small plastic shelves come handy for storage.


I believe you all know how to use wood saw, screwdriver and some glue so detailed instructions on how to make those frames are intentionally omitted.


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