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Everything posted by signet

  1. thanx man! no wonder mine didnt work so well.
  2. I tried the powder into water but the Sulfur keeps floating up.Did you guys encounter this or you got different? I dint get the powder to burn very fast.
  3. can you post the ingridients please. I mean the amount of each.
  4. signet


    Oh my god! I just posted in the starmine section of almost the exact same thing. Only my blew up :cry: Mine was like an antique for display :cry:
  5. signet


    WOW! I've made a starmine and didnt even know it. Just lying around my hous was a toy cannon made of bronze with a big mouth(more like for decorating in your bookshelf in your library ) so i figured why not put some bp i just made and some homemade stars(actually they were supposed to be the bp) into the cannon and give it a puff? So that's what i did. Not knowing how powerful it would be i stood behind a wall and fired it electrically.lucky i did so because when i pulled the switch, the thing blew up, pieces of metal flew every where(i did this in a ground of an old building so no one was hurt).Pieces even suck in the wall. But there was still the stars shining for about 7-8 secs. For a second i did felt like i was in heaven. I felt sorry for the cannon.it was so beautiful :cry: .Guess i still have lots to learn
  6. signet


    I'm a begginer at pyro but i've tried some fountains but ended up screwed. I tried the charcoal but it only produced short flames and NO FOUNTAIN. Maybe i was just stupid and got the mixture wrong. Can someone post how to prepare the materials please? Do you just mix them all up and grind them really well or does the stuff has tobe specific grain size?
  7. signet

    Smoke bomb

    wow Game keeper! Can you tell me how to make that mixture in the picture and how to set it off? I'm a beginner at this thing and dont really understand what you do to the NH4Cl in the beginning
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